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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 1, 2024

Discover 6 Foods for Radiant, Smooth Skin

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A smooth, flawless complexion is the dream of many. Few people know that, alongside a strict skincare routine, a balanced diet is crucial. Join us as we explore 6 foods that can help promote glowing, radiant skin. 1 Leafy Greens Leafy Greens Leafy greens like , , and are packed with , , , as well as and , which help brighten and even out the skin tone . Additionally, green vegetables are high in water content and nutrients that provide hydration and make the skin softer and smoother. They can be used in salads, stir-fries, and smoothies to add nutrition to your daily morning routine. 2 Avocado Avocado Avocado is a fruit high in healthy fats, fiber, and . It is considered an excellent source of nutrients for the skin and hair. The antioxidants in avocados help combat oxidative stress and promote skin cell regeneration. The vitamin E in avocados keeps the hair soft, prevents tangling, and effectively prevents acne and inflammation. 3 Carrots Carrots Carrots are a root ve...

A Pig with a 2-ounce organ just as valuable as ginseng and bird’s nest, no worries about weight gain when eating

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How to choose the best peach meat? On a pig, there is a very delicious and high-quality meat, “5-star level”. It is so good that it is often sold out in the morning, which is also the reason why many people do not know of its existence. It is called peach meat. Peach meat sounds quite strange because many people are only familiar with pork meat. The pig’s cheek meat has two parts, the outer part is the cheek meat and the inner part is the peach meat. The outer cheek is also tasty but a little fatty, and especially not as tasty as the peach meat. According to nutrition experts, the yellow color of the peach meat is due to the presence of tendons, which are interspersed with the meat, but the tendons are very soft, not hard or tough at all. This is the type of meat that is super popular with those who do not like dry and tough meat or overly fatty meat. Ladies, if you do not know about this meat, it is truly a pity. After reading this information, if you go shopping ...

How to Remove Toxins from Pork: Follow This Method for 100% Clean Meat

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Tips for Choosing Good Pork Meat When buying pork, it is important to observe carefully. Instead of simply saying “Give me 5 ounces of pork neck” or “Give me 3 ounces of pork belly”, apply the following methods to choose and buy clean pork meat: Observe the following signs and never buy pork meat if: If the pork is injected with water, the meat will be pale, sticky, the fibers will be soft, and it will release more water compared to normal meat. When you notice this sign, do not buy. Avoid buying lean and thin pieces of meat that may have been injected with a fat-reducing solution, which can be dangerous to your health if consumed. Homemakers should also avoid buying pieces of meat that have a dark red color, as it may be due to the pig being injected with tranquilizers before slaughter, causing blood to accumulate in the cells and making the color of the meat darker. When making a selection, press the meat with your finger to create a dent. If the mea...

“Japanese Key Vegetable: Cheap and Healthy Option in Vietnamese Markets, Delicious and Nutritious when Cooked this Way”

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Turnips are a flavorful and nutritious vegetable that is good for your health. Turnips are divided into two types, white turnips and green turnips. Green turnips contain many vitamins, minerals, and nutrients such as fiber, protein, calcium, potassium, iron… which help treat cough, phlegm, detoxify, protect the liver, and cure many diseases. In addition to familiar dishes such as turnip salad, pickled turnips… you can also cook egg and turnip soup using the simple recipe below. 1. Ingredients for egg and turnip soup – Green turnips – Eggs – Tomatoes – Garlic, ginger, scallions – Seasonings: MSG, sesame oil, pepper, salt 2. How to cook egg and turnip soup Step 1: Prepare the ingredients – After buying the green turnips, wash them and remove the skin, then slice them into thin strips. If you don’t want to slice the turnips, you can use a vegetable shredder to save time. – Wash the tomatoes and soak them in boiling wat...

Ugly-looking root vegetable discovered in mud, boasts surprising health benefits, popular in rural markets

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That’s the arrowroot. Arrowroot is an aquatic plant that is abundant in wetlands. Its fruit has 2 curved sharp ends that look like buffalo horns. Because the plant grows and develops underwater, when it ages and falls into the mud, people often call the fruit arrowroot tubers. Inside the ugly skin is a pure white flesh, with extremely high nutritional content, not inferior to other tubers and fruits. In 100g of arrowroot, it will provide 3.6g of protein (this number is 3 times higher than that of yam and sweet potatoes), 24g of carbohydrates, along with a large amount of essential minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and many other amino acids. That’s why arrowroot is also called “water ginseng”, “autumn treasure”. According to Oriental medicine, arrowroot is cool in nature, sweet in taste, so it is very good for the liver, stomach, and supports detoxification and thirst quenching extremely well. In addition, arrowroot is rich in cellulose, ...

How to transfer money between Viettel subscribers quickly in a flash

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Many people believe that transferring money between Viettel subscriptions will require a smartphone and may incur a service fee. Is this true or not? FPT Shop will help you find out and provide detailed instructions on how to quickly transfer money using Viettel on any phone. Conditions and service fees when transferring money with Viettel Before learning how to transfer money with Viettel, you need to understand the conditions and service fees for transferring money. Because not all subscriptions can transfer money to other subscriptions. Viettel money transfer conditions To be able to transfer money from this Viettel subscription to another subscription, your subscription needs to meet the following requirements: You need to have a transfer password. At the time of performing the money transfer transaction, the subscription must be a prepaid mobile subscription and be two-way active nationwide. The subscription must have a minimum operating time within 30 days from the time o...

Tips for Preserving Food to Last Longer in the Fridge

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Just defrost meat, fish once: Meat, fish needs to be washed and dried before putting it in the refrigerator for preservation. You should divide the reserved amount of meat into small portions, just enough for one use after defrosting. This helps to limit the bacteria on the meat caused by frequent temperature changes. Photo: Wiser Meats. Keep fruits and vegetables separate: Some fruits produce ethylene glycol gas to accelerate ripening, causing the accompanying fruits and vegetables to spoil. In addition, some types of fruits absorb odors from vegetables, making the food no longer fresh and delicious as before. Not all types of vegetables and fruits are suitable for storage in the refrigerator. You should keep apples, eggplants, garlic, ginger, tomatoes, chili, potatoes… at room temperature, in a well-ventilated place, away from direct sunlight. Photo: EatingWell. Avoid overcrowding the refrigerator with too much food: You should not stack too m...

Unbelievable Uses of Coca Cola That Not Everyone Knows

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In addition to being used in cooking and as a daily refreshing beverage, Coca Cola has many useful and surprising benefits that not everyone knows about. 13 unexpected uses of Coca Cola Cleaning the house and objects Coca Cola can be used to clean the house because it contains citric acid, which acts as a common household cleaning agent. Coca Cola can clean stains, brighten floors, remove dirt from kitchen walls, toilets, clean windows, dissolve limescale in bathtubs, remove grease stains from parking lots, etc. Furthermore, if your pan or sink has stains or discoloration after long use, you can soak them in Coca Cola and then rinse with clean water. Coca cola acts as a common household cleaning agent. Hair cleansing This is an unexpected use of Coca Cola. Few people know that Coca Cola can also be used to cleanse hair, thanks to the phosphoric acid in its ingredients, and its pH level of about 2.5. When used as a shampoo, it makes the hair cuticle firmer and shinier. In partic...

How to Make Delicious Bone Broth Recipe

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Bone broth is an essential ingredient for dishes that require broth like soup, stew, or hotpot… The usual way to make bone broth for housewives is simply to buy bones and simmer them to extract the broth. In fact, to have a delicious and nutritious pot of bone broth is not that simple. You have to know how to choose the right type of bones and meat, along with some types of vegetables, tubers, and spices to create a distinctive flavor, suitable for the dish you plan to cook. The following tips will help you make a perfect pot of broth. The simmering time will depend on the size of the simmering pot and the amount of water you have put into the pot. You need to choose a large enough pot so that the water can cover all the ingredients inside. While simmering the broth, you need to taste it, if you feel that the taste is not sweet and rich enough, you can continue boiling until the broth is thicker and sweeter. When the bone broth has completely cooled down, strain it again...

Delicious Ways to Preserve and Prepare Tamarind

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Storage: Green persimmons: Cut off the stem of the green persimmons to let all the sap flow out, rinse them thoroughly, and let them dry. Store them in a jar in the freezer. With this storage method, you can keep the persimmons for a whole year while still ensuring their quality. Green persimmons can be used to make sour soup or dip boiled water spinach. Ripe persimmons: Ripe persimmons will no longer have sap, so you don’t need to cut off the stem. Just rinse them thoroughly and let them dry. Store them in the same way as green persimmons. Processing: Persimmons can be processed into various dishes such as soaking, crushing for beverages, boiling soup, etc. Soaking persimmons: Peel the green persimmons, rinse them thoroughly. Soak the persimmons in boiling salted water for about 2 hours to prevent them from getting dark. Take out the persimmons to let them drain, then put them in a glass jar. Add some thinly sliced ​​ginger and a little salt to enhance the fl...